27.08.2015, 20:09
does anyone knows why, in the code below, the string gadgets objects 10,11 and 12 only accept the keys ipahlcC instead of numbers (0123456789) as it is supposed to?
does anyone knows why, in the code below, the string gadgets objects 10,11 and 12 only accept the keys ipahlcC instead of numbers (0123456789) as it is supposed to?
Dim PageName$(2)
MUIApplicationTitle "ChipCalc 555"
MUIApplicationVersion "$VER: ChipCalc 555 0.1 (10.08.2015)"
MUIApplicationCopyright "(c)2015 Carlos.D."
MUIApplicationAuthor "Carlos D."
MUIApplicationDescription "555 calculator"
MUIApplicationBase "CHIPCALC"
MUILabel 0," Chip 555 as ",#MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame
MUILabel 1," Calculate the",#MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame
MUICycle 2,"Timer","Oscilator"
MUICycle 3,"Resistor value","Capacitor value","Time periode"
MUICycle 4,"Resistor 1 value","Resistor 2 value","Frequency"
MUILabel 5," Resistor 1 in Ohms> ",#MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame
MUILabel 6," Capacitor in uF > ",#MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame
MUILabel 7," Time periode in sec>",#MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame
MUILabel 8," Resistor 2 in Ohms> ",#MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame
MUILabel 9," Frequency in Hz>",#MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame
MUIString 10,"",9
MUISet 10,#MUIA_String_Accept,"0123456789"
MUIString 11,"",10
MUISet 11,#MUIA_String_Accept,"0123456789"
MUIString 12,"",6
MUISet 12,#MUIA_String_Accept,"0123456789"
MUIAddObjsHGroup 13,5,10 ;value of Resistor 1
MUICreateHGroup 13
MUIAddObjsHGroup 14,6,11 ;value of Capacitor
MUICreateHGroup 14
MUIAddObjsHGroup 15,7,12 ;Value of Time periode
MUICreateHGroup 15
MUIAddObjsHGroup 16,8,11 ;value of Resistor 2
MUIAddObjsHGroup 17,9,12 ;value of Frequency
MUIAddObjsHGroup 18,0,2 ;555 as timer / oscilator choice
MUICreateHGroup 18
MUIAddObjsHGroup 19,1,3 ;555 as timer
MUICreateHGroup 19
MUIAddObjsHGroup 20,1,4 ;555 as oscilator
MUIVSpace 21,20
MUIVSpace 22,5
MUIAddObjsVGroup 23,19,21,13,14,15 ;All group of Timer
MUIAddObjsVGroup 24,22,20,21,13,16,17 ;All group of Oscilator
MUICreateVGroup 23
MUIAddObjsPage 25,23
MUICreatePage 25,"Function","Scheme"
MUIMakeObject 26,#MUIO_HBar,20
MUIAddObjsVGroup 27,18,26,25
MUICreateVGroup 27
MUICreateWindow 28,"ChipCalc","PAGE",27
MUIAddSubWindow 28
If MUICreateApplication <> True Then End
MUINotifyApp 28,#MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,1,-11
MUINotifyApp 2,#MUIA_Cycle_Active,#MUIV_EveryTime,#CyTimerOscil
MUINotifyApp 3,#MUIA_Cycle_Active,#MUIV_EveryTime,#CyOption
success=MUIOpenWindow (28)
Select ev
Case #CyTimerOscil
cy2=MUIGetCycle (2)
If cy2=0 Then Gosub _Timer
If cy2=1 Then NPrint "Oscilator"
Case #CyOption
cy3=MUIGetCycle (3)
Gosub _Timer
End Select
Until ev=-11
MUICloseWindow 28
If cy3=0
MUISet 10,#MUIA_Disabled,True
MUISet 11,#MUIA_Disabled,False
MUISet 12,#MUIA_Disabled,False
If cy3=1
MUISet 10,#MUIA_Disabled,False
MUISet 11,#MUIA_Disabled,True
MUISet 12,#MUIA_Disabled,False
; cap$=MUIGetString$ (10)
NPrint "Capacitor =",cap$
If cy3=2
MUISet 10,#MUIA_Disabled,False
MUISet 11,#MUIA_Disabled,False
MUISet 12,#MUIA_Disabled,True